currently on the curing shelf

Please note that some of these are the names of the fragrances used. The actual names of the soaps may vary upon release. The dates you see reflect the date that they are finished curing, not the date it will be available for purchase
  • Curious Tides Collection 08/10
  • Dorian Gray 08/10
  • Deathwatch Beetle 08/10
  • Lager Queen 08/10
  • the Hedgewitch Colleciton 08/10
  • Gatsby 08/24
  • Dharma Bums 08/24
  • Last Dance 08/24
  • Bridgerton 08/24
  • Honey Witch 08/24
  • Dracula 09/01
  • Frankenstein 09/01
  • Headless Horseman 09/01
  • Happy Valley 09/01
  • Godkiller Collectors Edition 09/01
But what do the soaps look like? Following bookish apothecary on Instagram gives you sneak peeks.